PFGbannerPrayerFastingGiving (download the teaching flyer for more information)

Jesus fasted; and he taught his disciples to do the same. This month to start off the year we are encouraging everyone to engage in 21 days of fasting from 10th to 31st of January. Don’t panic! If fasting is new to you, or even if you are a fasting ninja, we aren’t suggesting that you don’t eat for 21 days (unless of course thats what God is clearly saying to you). What we do suggest is that you prayerfully engage in a fasting pattern for some, or all of that time. It can take various forms. Why not have a look at the teaching flyer (click link above) and have a little chat with your appetites to let them know that they are not going to be boss this year! Be medically self aware, but lets listen to God and ask him how we can fruitfully explore this core spiritual discipline in January. Why not decide as a community how you are going to engage in the 21 days so that you can encourage one another and be accountable together on the journey.