Let's get you plugged in Name Email Address Tell us a little about yourself - have you come as a family? Are you interested in any particular missional communities? Data Consent Data Consent The Well will store and use the information you provide on this form to contact you (eBulletin, news, events). We use Planning Center to administrate and MailChimp to send these emails, so your data will be processed by Planning Center and MailChimp in accordance with their Privacy Policy and Terms. We will treat your information with respect. For more information about our privacy practices please visit http://www.thewellcc.org.uk/privacy-policy/ 14 + 11 = Submit All general enquiries can be addressed to admin@thewellcc.org.uk Office Tel: 020 7703 0924 Where to Find Us The Well Community Church NEWSLETTER [/db_pb_slide] [/db_pb_slider] CALENDAR [/db_pb_slide] [/db_pb_slider] GIVING [/db_pb_slide] [/db_pb_slider] TALKS AND BLOGS [/db_pb_slide] [/db_pb_slider]