1 Corinthians 16 Known By God & One Another

Jumping off Paul’s warm greetings at the close of his letter in chapter 16, Alison explores what it looks like to be vulnerable both to God & those within the family of God. With Jesus as our example, truth & vulnerability provide a way out of shame...

Hope & Expectancy in 2019

Alison delivers a New Year’s message that sets us up for 2019. We’re all affected by disappointment, but the key thing in our development & growth as believers is how we respond to it. Do we withdraw, take offence & allow our faith to shrink, or do...

Prayer: Your Kingdom Come

Alison takes our series on prayer forward by sharing what it looks like to see God’s Kingdom come through both process & power. Alison exhorts us to believe for revival & includes powerful testimonies of miraculous physical healing &...