This was a spoken prophetic word released at our last fifth Sunday worship celebration of 2018 by Roanna Day. It dovetails well with her recent Christmas message. Do read & receive fresh revelation on God’s peace at the beginning of this new year.


Be still

You are here so it is well. 

Peace is not the absence of a problem. It is the presence of Jesus Christ. 

Peace is not a gentle tide. Peace is not found in the sunrise or a morning off. 

Peace is the presence of Jesus. And nothing else. He is our peace … our perfect peace.

Peace can be found in the eye of the storm. Peace can be found on the frontline of battle. Peace can be found holding a loved one’s hand in hospital. Peace can be found when you look in the mirror and see everything you hate. Peace can be found when you haven’t slept in days and when your thoughts wage war against you. 

Because peace isn’t the absence of, but the presence of. 

Stop courting anxiety and stop welcoming stress. Why are you carrying disappointment? Why are you straining with anxious thoughts? 

Why are you agreeing with an inferior reality? Why are you stealing back what Jesus bought at such a cost? 

Put down anxiety. Put down stress. Don’t listen to the world’s worries, they are not yours to carry. You need your hands free to carry endless joy and perfect peace.

Whatever has come. 

Whatever will be. 

I’m held by the one called perfect peace. 

Any time we step outside of peace, any time we worry – we make that thing bigger than God. 

Do not fret, it only leads to evil. 

Worrying about something is making that thing, whatever it is, bigger and more important than God. Don’t you know that your God is bigger than all that? 

For every single problem there is provision. That is kingdom. That is your truth and your inheritance. 

Why do we make our problems bigger than our God, and our God smaller than our problems? Why do shrink God so much we don’t believe He’s big enough to cure a common cold, help a tough situation at work or help build a relationship? Why do we shrink God so much we don’t believe He speaks today? That He’s speaking right now? 

Stop shrinking God.

Why empower fear when we were made to live in love? Why steal and lie to walk in stress and fear when we belong in peace and joy?

Whatever has come. 

Whatever will be. 

I’m held by the one called perfect peace. 

Son, daughter – I did not design you to be challenged by stress and worry. I made you to be challenged by who I am. I made you to be just as brilliant as I am. I challenge you, to be just like me. 

That is your sole concern. 

I delight in your delight. I love to see you stand in peace with a smile on your face knowing, as my royal child, that nothing can stand against you. 

I love to see you laugh in the face of a problem as we talk about the solution.

You are called to peace, to rest, to joy and all of those come from Me and only Me. 


Be still

I am here so it is well.